Apogee Titles: 

Tsering Wangmo Dhompa is the author of In the Absent Everyday, Rules of the House,and My rice tastes like the lake. Rules of the House was a finalist for the Asian American Literary Awards in 2003. Tsering attended Lady Shri Ram College (Delhi University), the University of Massachussetts and San Francisco State University. Her publications include two chapbooks, In Writing the Names (A.bacus, Potes & Poets Press) and Recurring Gestures (Tangram Press). She has received a Cultural Equity Grant from the Arts Commission of San Francisco, and fellowships at the MacDowell Colony and Hedgebrook. Tsering grew up in the Tibetan exile communities of Nepal and India and now lives in San Francisco.


Read an excerpt from My Rice Tastes Like The Lake here.

Read an excerpt from In the Absent Everyday here.

Read an excerpt from Rules of the House here.